OK…So finally 5 months and 2 days after The Call I got an
author photograph done. What does this tell you about me?
I LOATHE having my photo taken
I am supremely unphotogenic
Now when I look in the mirror I mostly see a face I am
comfortable with (except of course on 'bad hair days,' 'stayed up too late writing
the night before days' or, 'oops shouldn’t have had that extra glass of wine days')
Hmm…Ok sometimes when I look in the mirror I don’t run screaming from the room may be nearer the truth but the
point is…
No matter what – if all the stars are correctly aligned, my
hair is behaving etc etc,….my photographs never seem to look like me or perhaps
how I imagine myself to be.
But I accepted I needed a picture so first I got my husband to take a photo. Make up free, the real me... and... everyone
said how 'realistic' it was. Well...I wasn't sure how to take that - I mean is that good or bad??? (Lovely husband assured me it was good!) But I still wasn't convinced that 'Realistic Me' should be 'Author Me' on a
website, facebook etc….
So I called in the expert – a friend who happens to be a
professional photographer who kindly offered to bring his camera round and
take some shots.
Next I found some make up, conferred with another friend who
showed me how to use said make-up and I prepared to put my head on the
metaphorical block.
Photographer friend was amazing – inwardly he must have
wanted to murder me (Our conversation went:
Him: Smile
Me: I can’t
Him: think
of something happy
Me: Um…sorry can’t think of a single thing
Him: How about
thinking about when this is over?
See what he did – he made me genuinely
smile! And he came up with some fab photos - so then came the hard
part – which picture to choose and a dilemma. A smile that showed teeth or showed no teeth? See what I went for on my brand new facebook page https://www.facebook.com/NinaMilneAuthor (as for the amount of time that has taken me...well that is
another story…)